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Writer's pictureSoesja Leugs

Healing Qualities of Onions

Updated: Feb 22, 2024

In nutritional value, healing properties, and energetic purposes.

Healthy onions

If you're fortunate, like me, you love and use unions in all shapes and colors. Unions are worldwide flavor enhancers in a wild range of dishes. They're not just delicious, but also undeniably healthy, especially during the winter months. Beyond being a potent virus expeller, onions have various healing aspects associated with them in different cultures.

General Healing Powers

Onions, according to Ayurveda, are warming and move energy through the body. When energy gets stuck and manifests as a virus, flu, or cold, onions aid in both recovery and prevention. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Particularly with polyphenols and quercetin offering preventive resistance and contributing to recovery during illnesses. Slow-cooked onions also belong to aphrodisiacs, promoting sexual stimulation.

Types of onions

Yellow Onion: The easily available yellow onion, often mistaken for white, works antibacterially and anti-inflammatory. Rich in quercetin, it benefits heart health and blood vessels. Traditionally used in remedies like onion tea and onion syrup, they help expel cold viruses.

Spring Onion: Known for its anti-fever and antiviral properties, spring onions promote sweating and bladder function. In Asia, they are preferred over garlic for their mild taste but equally antibacterial and antimicrobial effects.

Red Onion: The spicier red onion is considered the best for raw consumption. It is believed to help prevent diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels, thanks to its chromium content. Additionally, research suggests it contains substances that can prevent and combat cancer.

Graphic onion

Healing Powers: Onions have historically been a natural remedy used in various ways to heal people both physically and energetically. In the winter months, onions are an effective natural remedy against prevalent viruses and a logical medicinal healer. Apart from physical healing powers, onions are also used in ritual healing and cleansing. Symbolically representing the human spiritual journey of peeling internal and external layers to reach the core essence, the onion aligns with the metaphorical layers of consciousness.

Spiritual Significance: The onion, growing both below and above ground, symbolizes dualities such as life and death, light and dark. Ancient Egyptians used onions as symbolic offerings for health and purity. In Ayurveda, onion peels are preserved and burned during the ritual cleansing of the house, aiding in energy purification. Placing onion slices in the corners of the house is believed to purify the energy. However, they should not be consumed after use. The grounding stimulation of onions is also considered healing for the Muladhara, or root chakra.

In conclusion, irrespective of your beliefs, the worldwide popularity of onions might have conscious and unconscious reasons. So, savor onions not just as a tasty addition but as a mindful choice, especially now armed with a bit of extra gratitude of their super powers.


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